Investigation and development

Avanzando la IA en ciberseguridad

At ZerodAI we specialize in developing advanced cybersecurity solutions using artificial intelligence, our main focus is the development of autonomous pentesting models.

Our Commitment

Our team is dedicated to developing models that can identify and exploit vulnerabilities in systems in an automated manner, helping to strengthen the security posture of organizations.

dedicated to research
Language models

Our AI models for cybersecurity

These models have been trained by our team for specific pentesting and cybersecurity tasks.

Our most advanced model for text generation in cybersecurity tasks

Actualizado Jun 6
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Improved version of our 7.5b parameter model with advanced vulnerability detection capabilities

Actualizado Mar 3
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Our base model of 7b parameters optimized for general cybersecurity tasks

Actualizado Mar 3
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Data Sets

Training and research data

Our carefully curated datasets for training AI models in cybersecurity

Un conjunto de datos extenso con comandos y logica de pentesting para entrenar modelos de ia en tareas de seguridad

Actualizado Jun 14
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Apreciamos las contribuciones de la comunidad, si tienes ideas para mejorar nuestras herramientas o deseas reportar problemas no dudes en abrir un issue o enviar un pull-request


Interested in our solutions

For more information about our cybersecurity services and solutions, do not hesitate to contact us